tTextStrType = tStr100; {type of string for text string rows}
tFileInfo = record
case fileInfoVariant : integer of
kFileInfoVariant: (
fileName: tStr31;
dirID: longint;
vRefNum: integer; {this field is used as an index in the volume alias array as soon as the scanning is completed}
iconType: tIconType; {what kind of icon should we use and is this file really an existing file (not inside an archive)?}
isAlias: boolean; {is this an alias?}
fileFlags: integer; {attribute flags from file info; 0 for folders}
indentLevel: integer; {how many levels should we indent this filename?}
fileSize: longint;
crDate, mdDate: longint;
fileType, fileCreator: OSType;
fileVersion: numVersion; {version info}
crDateStr, mdDateStr: tStr20; {dates converted to strings}
selected: boolean; {is this row highlighted?}
indexInFolder: integer; {indicates the number of rows one must step back to come to parent folder; used for creating pathnames quickly through backtracing}
internalFlag: boolean; {used e.g. when copying records after filtering}
tFileInfoPtr = ^tFileInfo;
{--record used when preprocessing an archive that contain multiple files--}
tArchiveScanRecord = record
fileIndex: integer; {index of the file that should be returned from the archive; pp increases this value}
refCon: longint; {owned by the preprocessor while an archive is scanned}
tArchiveScanPtr = ^tArchiveScanRecord;
procedure extractDialogItemData (theD: dialogPtr; item: integer; var data1, data2: longint);